Jieyi(Jenny) Zhou Vizfolio

Welcome to my webpage! I'm Jieyi(Jenny) Zhou! I am a graduate student at the Northeastern University School of Journalism.

I just finished several data visualization projects in Fall 2022, please feel free to implore them on this page.

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Project 1: Fertility and Life Expectancy 2014

Here you can find the link to this project.

I visualize the fertility and life expectancy in different countries in 2014 in this project. This is a very primary data visualization project.

Project 2: Boston Blue Bike

Here you can find the link to this project.

Use Vega-Lite.js to analyze Boston Blue Bike Data.

Project 3: FIFA World Cup 2022 Data

Here you can find the link to this project.

Use d3.js to analyze several terms of data for each teams in World Cup.

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