Welcome to my webpage! I'm Jieyi(Jenny) Zhou! I am a graduate student at the Northeastern University School of Journalism.
I just finished several data visualization projects in Fall 2022, please feel free to implore them on this page.
Hello, my name is Jieyi(Jenny) Zhou. I have a great passion for writing. During my undergraduate years, I took print/digital journalism for my bachelor's degree. I fast grew from a person who was afraid of communicating with strangers to a reporter who is skilled at discovering events, gathering information and organizing it to tell a story.
However, as the digital age developing, I realized that digital era forces journalists remake the way how we cover and costume the news and information. Even though journalists had already see the coming of Internet, they should find a good way to deal with it, and co-exist with it.
That's why I'm interested in interactivity and visualization. Interactive Journalism has became the intergral part of journalism.
Skills: News Writing, Data Visualization, AP Style Writing, News Editing
JavaScript: p5.js, Vega-Lite.js, Leaflet.js, d3.js
Computer Skills: PhotoShop, InDesign, Premiere