Welcome to my webpage! I'm Jieyi(Jenny) Zhou! I am a graduate student at the Northeastern University School of Journalism.
I just finished several data visualization projects in Fall 2022, please feel free to implore them on this page.
Due to time constraints, I chose a relatively simple data set as my final project. I think this dataset is the most current, as the 2022 FIFA World Cup is underway - and I'm interested in that.
At the beginning, I tried to create a scatter plot, but since I couldn't run the interaction, I recorded the data from the first attempt in the js file and discarded them. Then I tried the approach we learned in class for the chocolate bar and it worked.
However, in the process of visualizing this data, I encountered some problems as well.
I was not sure how to reset the scale. I though I re-mapped the range, however, as you can see from the pic - the text appears to overlap each other and the numbers on the x and y axis remain unchanged.
I used select.all to remove redrew the scale and the axis labels. Although I only used a small number of interactions and a few data items in this project due to time constraints, I think the similar approach could be used for other items in the dataset that I want to apply.
Next time, I would like to try a larger dataset and more approaches for visualization. And Meanwhile, I think I still need to explore more methods for data parsing.